How can you accurately summarize a band like Sparks? Just when we thought they were an avant garde act they changed gears and became a new wave band instead. Years later they'd evolve into an electronica group and remain so for over a decade. Now it seems the Mael brothers are exploring new territories as their last two albums experiment with choral and orchestral themes. Somewhere in their evolution this bastard child known as "Introducing..." popped out...well, in 1977 to be precise. Most Sparks fans don't regard this as a masterwork simply because this is an album that plays it safe. Pop arrangements, session players running amok and even Russell's voice seems tempered. Now, that isn't to say this is a bad album. It's chock full of hooks and Ron's clever wordplay.
So what warrants its inclusion here? Well, this is the only Sparks album to have never been given the digital treatment. Columbia Records has ignored the fans and so it languishes in the vaults. In the interim, while Columbia figures out what to do with this record, take a listen and enjoy this often ignored piece of Sparks history. If it's Sparks, it definitely isn't bad.
Thanks for this nice upload.
According to Sparks newsletter from, "Introducing Sparks" will be available on CD in November 2007.
Their albums aren't seen in this country often. I gotta get some of them on CD for someone, but not this one.
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